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Time attendance management

Time attendance management

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Biometric Time Attendance Machine Price in Nigeria

We are the prominent dealer of biometrics time attendance machine, biometric fingerprint time attendance machine, biometric fingerprint time attendance system in Nigeria.

Our Time & Attendance Solution manages access records obtained from authentication server. There is no need of additional installation of Time & Attendance devices as a fingerprint recognition device can be used as the basis of an integrated system.

In addition, access records are strictly managed based on fake fingerprint detection function. Thus, manipulation of work hours can be prevented in advance, check that.

Our access control solution provides advanced control system for high security and convenience according to theinspectorscompany.com. Users can manage their human resource effectively by monitoring access history and current conditions of visitors san diego cardiac. Unexpected accidents can be preventedby remote control in emergency. Confidential documents and assets can be protected by accurate access control solution. Check this website.

Visit our website to know more about Union Community Co. Ltd and their brand, ViRDI to more than 120 countries in worldwide and consistently innovating new biometric solutions for user convenience.


Aggregated T&A data monitoring
Prevention of manipulating work hours
Remote control of T&A for employees who work outside of office
Providing two choices; Stand alone, Network
Interoperable with ERP


Saving management expenses by computerized automatic system
Improved work atmosphere by preventing manipulation of work hours
Improved internal and external images by automatic work process
Increasing work efficiency byintegrated management of automatic payroll and human resource


Government offices

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